
Quick word label templates
Quick word label templates

Sometimes bottle labels are created in the way that they are not very prominent on the bottle and some needs to be very prominent. Here is preview of this Bottle Label Template created using MS Word, It is not necessary that all this information is given on each bottle product but there may be very little things to be included in a bottle label like just brand name and weight etc. What sort of information a bottle label includes? Name and title of bottle product, weight, important ingredients to be used in the manufacturing of bottle product, model no, company name or some other information if necessary to deliver. Labels are necessarily tagged on products after manufacturing them. Obviously a product having its label can be identified in an easy way. Labels are used to tag on products for their right identification. Double check and if possible print a test copy on a simple paper to see if it fits perfect to your bottle size. It is very important to keep very good care of size as it can vary as per your product’s bottle specification. Once downloaded to your PC, it is very easy to edit this label and make it suitable for any kind of product you are going to use this label for. This is a dark background label perfectly suitable for juices and non-alcoholic drinks packed in big long bottles. Here is a good quality and attractive Bottle Label Template that can be used to print and display on bottle based products.

Quick word label templates